August Email from Board President

Excerpt from the community email:

Message from the Pine Ridge Board President:

I wanted to let the owners know that the Board has decided to change the September and October meetings. At the August board meeting we had no visitors and no one on Zoom. The next two months there will only be via Zoom. November, December and January meetings will be both in person and by Zoom. The board would like any input from the community about the meetings.

Also please note that there will be three openings on the board for next year. If you are a property owner, please consider serving on the board beginning January 1, 2025. More information will be sent out at a later date.

On another note the new walkway to Buckwalter does have a Doggie Pot for your convenience to use instead of throwing your bags in the woods.

School is open please don’t block the sidewalks.
Betty Black

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