Responsibilities of the Lagoon Owner
Owners of a “waterfront” lot (definition on pg. 18 of the Pine Ridge Community Covenants) are to maintain the area located between the lot and the water’s edge. The area between the water’s edge and the back of the lot shall be seeded for grass or landscaped and maintained so as to prevent erosion. Please note that no chemical treatments are to be used on the vegetation that would endanger the lagoon life (fish,turtles,birds).
Pg. 6, Pine Ridge ACC Design Standards, amended 11-02-2018
Lagoon Bank Planting Guide
Residents are encouraged to install plants suggested in the Clemson Extension report dated 7/24/16 for the Riparian Zone. Plantings should be kept to a maximum height of 12″. Trees, large shrubs including but not limited to wax myrtles are not allowed.
For more information including suggested planting for all zones, please see the Clemson web page “Shorescaping Freshwater Shorelines”
Image provided by Clemson University