Residents, and particularly new residents living near lagoons, should be aware the alligators are native to our area.
Warm weather has begun to wake them [alligators] up. Do not feed them, or approach them, and be wary of your children or pets playing near the water.
Alligators are normally not a problem for residents if left alone.
If you encounter an aggressive alligator (rare), notify Bundy Management at , who will contact a company who will try to remove it.
If there is an emergency (someone is in danger from an alligator or any other animal), call 911.
Please note incident reported last night to the Board of Directors by two residents:
We’ve got a situation over here on Holly Ridge, we’ve got a big gator on the back of our pond and it appears at least one smaller alligator which has infiltrated mine and my neighbors fence today and now the large gator has a domestic animal in its mouth… it appears to be my neighbor’s cat or a small dog. The gator was swimming around shaking the prey in the pond just less than an hour ago.
Unfortunately, I had to call DNR today on two gators living in the pond behind my home.
Earlier, the small gator had absolutely no fear when he/she came through my yard and my neighbor’s yard (despite our dogs and human presence!)
I hesitated to make the call…. But then, hours later, the larger gator drowned and then ate my cat. I’m heartbroken….. as I want desperately to live at peace with Nature. Today, Nature crossed the line and put me, my grandbaby, and my pets at risk.
Report – The 5’7” Alligator has been removed from the pond based on an email received at 10:24 AM this morning.
Please Please Please make sure your children and pets are not out by the lagoon alone.
Pine Ridge Board of Directors