The Pine Ridge Hargray contract expires March 20, 2024. The community has to notify Hargray 90 days prior to that if we decide not to renew the contract.
Several residents have expressed interest in Spectrum, rather than simply renewing the Hargray contract.
The Board has decided that the selection should be left to a community vote, rather than a Board decision.
Spectrum will make a presentation at our August 14th board meeting to explain what services and pricing they could offer our community, costs, and to answer questions from attendees.
Hargray will make a presentation at our September 11th board meeting to explain why they should be retained as our provider, as well as what services and pricing they can offer the community, and answer questions from attendees.
After both presentations, the owners will be able to vote for which provider they would like in this community.
Meetings are held at the Bluffton Fire Station at 357 Fording Island Road, next to St Gregory Church. Sign in is at 6pm and meetings start promptly at 6:15pm.
Pine Ridge Board of Directors