
While fireworks can be sold in Beaufort County, it’s illegal to discharge them without a permit from the S.C. Department of Labor, License and Regulation.

In unincorporated parts of the county — as well as in the city of Beaufort and towns of Port Royal, Bluffton and Hilton Head Island — lighting fireworks can result in fines up to $500.

Please be respectful of your friends and neighbors that may suffer from PTSD or other disorders where the sound of fireworks can trigger an episode. For more information…

Pets can be frightened by the site & sound of fireworks! Before leaving your home on the 4th, be sure to secure your pet in a safe, cool room, with plenty of food & water. For more information…

To report an incident concerning the discharge of fireworks, contact the Bluffton Police 843-524-2777.