The neighborhood is experiencing a problem with trash falling from the Waste Management truck every week. This is due to trash in the WM cans not being tied in trash bags, as required by the town of Bluffton. Please do not put unbagged trash in the WM receptacles, as it tends to blow out of the truck as the receptacles are being emptied by the mechanical arm. WM no longer has crews on the trucks who can pick up any stray litter.
All Christmas lights and other holiday decorations should have been removed by January 25th. If residents have any remaining on display, they should be removed immediately.
Residents, and particularly new residents living near lagoons, should be aware the alligators are native to our area. Warm weather has begun to wake them up, and has already produced the sighting of a small gator in a Pine Ridge lagoon. Do not feed them, or approach them [alligators], and be wary of your children or pets playing near the water. Alligators are normally not a problem for residents if left alone. If you encounter an aggressive alligator (rare), notify Bundy Management, who will contact SCDNR. If there is an emergency (someone is in danger from an alligator or any other animal), call 911.
Wednesday, January 29 and Thursday January 30 approximately 800 lineal feet of curb at the McCracken entrance will be power washed and painted by Acme Sweeping & Striping. Please be aware of the presence of workers preforming this task.
Wednesday, January 29 and Thursday January 30 approximately 800 lineal feet of curb at the McCracken entrance will be power washed and painted by Acme Sweeping & Striping. Please be aware of the presence of workers preforming this task.