Good Morning,
It has come to the attention of management that signs are being put up around the neighborhood.
This is a friendly reminder that both the Rules & Regulations and the ACC Design Standards require that signs must be approved by the ACC to be displayed in yards.
Pine Ridge Rules & Regulations:
· The only signs allowed on common property or within the street rights of way are those authorized by the Pine Ridge POA Board of Directors.
ACC Design Standards:
· must be screened by natural vegetation or walled in.
Signs – Require ACC approval.
No signs whatsoever shall be installed, altered or maintained on any home site or on any portion of a structure visible from the exterior thereof, except such signs as may be required by legal proceeding. No other sign may be displayed from a window from the inside of a house.
“Open House” signs do not require prior approval by the ACC.
· Homeowners and Sales agents may hold an “Open House” only on Saturday and/or Sunday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Signs are permitted within 30 minutes prior to and 30 minutes after the completion of the open house. Two (2) directional signs may be used, one at the front gate and one at the street corner.
· Only one “Open House” sign is permitted in the yard of the property.
· Informational tubes/boxes with home specifications are permitted to be placed on the front door.
“For Sale”
· Prohibited on home sites or structures.
· Permitted on motor vehicles, but are limited to signs measuring 10″ by 12″ and are limited to wording that advertises the sale of the vehicle on which the sign is placed.
“Garage Sale”
· Allowed as long as they are free standing signs and are taken down immediately at the end of the sale or by 5:00 PM whichever is earlier.
“Vehicle Signage” –
· Commercial signage shall be allowed on vehicles owned by residents of Pine Ridge community in so far as they are on vehicles which are allowed to have signage.
Large commercial vans may not be parked in the development.
Content: Commercial signs on vehicles may only contain the following: Company name, slogan, logo, address, phone/fax number, email/website address. Derogatory language or depiction is prohibited.
The ACC has full discretion to make decisions on sign content.