Saturday, April 9th is Spring Community Yard Sales Day!
Round up all that stuff you’ve been meaning to sell and tag it for Community Yard Sale day! Advanced promotion & signs will let Bluffton & surrounding areas know that our community will be having yard sales on this day!
We have new, bigger signs that will be placed at both entrances a few days prior to the sales. You are welcome to place your own sign(s) at the entrances or near your sale. They must be removed the end of day of the sale. You have to obtain permission to place signs on other people’s property!
Do not attach signs to street sign poles!
Use the form below to submit your address before WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6TH and your sale will be featured in a map that will be circulated on social media the day before the sale. This is OPTIONAL! You are not required to register! Minimum of 10 sales will be needed to do the map.
Form Expired
Fall Community Yard Sales day will be Saturday, October 8th.