Winter 2019 Newsletter

Happy New Year Pine Ridge residents –

We hope you all were able to enjoy a safe and happy holiday with your family & friends.

The Board appreciates your patience and cooperation while we worked through the implementation / updating of our Rules & Regulations as well as the Design Standards during the 2018 year. We’d like to take a moment to recognize those within our community helping us to achieve our goals and we look forward to this New Year bringing us new opportunities for improvements and celebrations of achievements within our community. It takes support from all residents and owners to make Pine Ridge the best possible place to live.

Sybil Nienke

To read the full Winter 2019 Newsletter in PDF format, CLICK HERE

Grounds Committee, Betty Black & Sybil Nienke

We would like to start planning for the spring. If you are interested in helping with the landscape, please join the landscape committee or contact one of your representatives below.

As always, if you see anything that needs attention in the community email Betty Black @ or Sybil Nienke @


Yard of the Quarter

The winner for this quarter is:
6 Torrey Lane
They win a $50 Gift Card




To read the full Winter 2019 Newsletter in PDF format, CLICK HERE

Vice-President, Communications & Social Committee, Sybil Nienke

Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date with Bundy Management,, to ensure you are receiving the most current information provided by your Board of Directors.

It’s time for the Social Committee to meet to discuss the events we wish to hold in Pine Ridge throughout this next year. If you would like to volunteer to be on this committee, please send in your volunteer form. If you have any suggestions, or are willing to help out at an event, please contact me via email:

To read the full Winter 2019 Newsletter in PDF format, CLICK HERE

Director at Large, Lagoon & Parking Committees, Betty Black

So much progress was made by the lagoon lot owners last year, ensuring that your banks were cleared throughout the year and on-time for inspections, thank you all for your diligence. They are all done until next spring, so we have a little break.

TIP: Clear your lagoon bank every other time you mow.
Please email me if you are interested in joining or with any questions at

Reminder: There is no parking on the street 24 /7. When having a gathering, please ask your guests to park on one side of the street only to ensure passage for emergency vehicles.

Only registered guests are allowed to park on the street for maximum of 96 hours or 4 days at a time.

Register you guests, make, model and license plate number at Please continue to register your guests.

There have been no recent suggestions with community backing submitted at this time. If you have a suggestion, please email me at

NOTE: Any area would have to be approved by 100% of the residents surrounding that area.

To read the full Winter 2019 Newsletter in PDF format, CLICK HERE