June 2023 News

There are several volunteer positions open on Pine Ridge Community Committees. All residents are welcome to sign up! In-person board meetings will start with the July 10th Board Meeting.

Reminder – There are “No Parking” Areas in Pine Ridge

The board was notified that there has been a lot of residents and/or their guests parking on both sides of the road across from other vehicles. No parking areas are identified in the community to conform to local and state laws, and to ensure an orderly flow of traffic for residents, as well as emergency vehicles which must pass on our narrow streets. Parking is prohibited in Pine Ridge:

2023 Board of Director Openings & Annual Meeting

The Pine Ridge Property Owners Association will hold its 2022 annual meeting on Monday, December 12, 2022 with registration at 6:15 PM and the meeting starting at 6:30 PM to be held at the Buckwalter Recreation Center located at 905 Buckwalter Parkway, Bluffton, SC 29910. The official annual meeting package will be mailed to all owners in November.

Pine Ridge Community Yard Sales

Fall Community Yard Sales Day

Clean out your closets, garage, & storage! Round up all that stuff you’ve been meaning to sell and tag it for Community Yard Sale day! Advanced promotion & signs will let Bluffton & surrounding areas know that our community will be having yard sales on this day!